Greg Matthew Rattigan Memorial Scholarship
Eligibility – Current Freshman
Scholarship is for a second semester freshman, male or female, from a partner school (Incarnation, Epiphany, St. Martha, St. Joseph, or St. Charles).
Student must write a 100 word essay explaining why he/she is deserving of the scholarship and what their goals and aspirations are. Applicant must submit one recommendation from someone other than a relative.
Applicant Procedure
To apply, students must submit an essay (100 word maximum) explaining why he/she is deserving of the scholarship, their high school extra curricular activities, and their goals and aspirations. Decision is not based on need or grades. Applicants must submit one recommendation from someone other than a relative.
Amount Awarded
The amount will be for $1,000 applied to the student’s
2025-26 tuition.
Application Schedule and Deadline
• Submit by Friday, March 28, 2025.
• Please submit to [email protected]
• Scholarship will be awarded at the underclass awards ceremony in April.
• Scholarship will be applied to the 2025-26 tuition.
• For more information contact:
Stephanie Bishop, at [email protected] or call 941-371-4917 x155.
Gage Schrantz Memorial Scholarship
Eligibility – Current Juniors
All junior students at Cardinal Mooney are eligible and encouraged to apply for this scholarship. Applicants will be judged on their essays, accomplishments in school activities, community involvement, recommendation letter(s) and an interview, if applicable.
The primary process is simple and consists of the three items below. Please be sure to submit all three to the following email address: [email protected]
1. The cover sheet should include your contact information: name, address, telephone number, email address, and current grade
at Mooney.
2. Answer the two essay questions below and limit each response
to 500-1000 words.
a) Tell us about yourself (family, hobbies,etc.)
b) As you move into your final year at Cardinal Mooney, what are the accomplishments and personal goals you are most proud of achieving?
3. Submit at least one recommendation letter from someone other than a relative.
Amount Awarded
A $4,000 scholarship will be applied to the student’s tuition for the 2025-26 school year.
Application Schedule and Deadlines
• Submit by Friday, March 28, 2025.
• Please submit to [email protected]
• Scholarship will be awarded at the underclass awards ceremony in April.
• Scholarship will be applied to the 2025-26 tuition.
• For more information contact:
Stephanie Bishop at [email protected]
or call 941-371-4917 x 155.
Gigi Longpre Scholarship
All female students, grades 9-11, are eligible and encouraged to apply for this scholarship. Applicants will be judged on their essays, accomplishments in school activities, community involvement, recommendation letter(s) and an interview, if applicable
Applicant Procedure
The primary process is simple and consists of the three items below.
1. The cover sheet should include your contact information: name, address, telephone number, email address and current grade
at Mooney.
2. Answer the two essay questions below and limit each response
to 500-1000 words.
a) Explain your time at Cardinal Mooney and your involvement
in extra curricular activities. Explain how this carried over to the Cardinal Mooney Community.
b) Share something else about yourself; your goals and aspirations.
3. Submit at least one recommendation letter from someone other than a relative or teacher
Amount Awarded
A $1,000 scholarship will be applied to the student’s tuition for the 2025-26 school year.
Application Schedule and Deadlines
• Submit by Friday, March 28, 2025.
• Please submit to [email protected]
• Scholarship will be awarded at the underclass awards ceremony in April.
• Scholarship will be applied to the 2025-26 tuition.
• For more information contact:
Stephanie Bishop at [email protected]
or call 941-371-4917 x 155.
Elisabeth Ethal Scholarship
Eligibility – Current Students grade 9, 10, 11
• Current students who demonstrate financial need.
• Students who are Catholic and actively participating in a parish church. Candidates must have proof of parish affiliation.
Scholarship Offerings and Criteria:
• Three Scholarships will be awarded as follows; one each to a rising sophomore, junior, and senior.
• Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 will be applied to next year’s tuition.
• Candidates must submit a one-page personal essay on their experience at CMHS.
• Essays to be emailed to [email protected] by March 28, 2025.
• Essays will be reviewed and chosen by the scholarship committee.
• Scholarships will be awarded at each grade’s Awards Ceremony.
For more information contact:
Stephanie Bishop at [email protected]
or call 941-371-4917 x 155
Eligiblity – Incoming Freshman
• Incoming Freshman students who show financial need.
• Students who are Catholic and actively participating in a parish church.
• Candidates must have proof of parish affiliation.
Scholarship Offerings and Criteria:
• Scholarship in the amount of $3,500 applied to tuition.
• Awarded to one incoming freshman a year.
• Student must submit a one-page personal essay on why it is
important for the applicant to attend CMHS.
• Must apply for FACTS /Financial Aid by April 30, 2025.
• Please submit to [email protected] by May 1, 2025.
• Award recipient will be notified June 1, 2025.
• Scholarship will be applied to the 2025-26 tuition.
For more information contact:
Stephanie Bishop, [email protected] or call 941-371-4917 x155
Cuban Scholarship
Eligibility – All students of the 2025/26 School Year
For students of Cuban Descent (an individual born in Cuba, or one having any direct-line descent from either parent). Candidates must write a 100 word essay on their Cuban relative.
Amount Awarded
Award is determined by the amount of applicants. Up to $10,000 in scholarship money to will be granted and applied to the 2025-26 tuition.
Application Schedule and Deadlines
• Submit by Friday, March 28, 2025.
• Please submit to [email protected]
• Scholarship will be awarded at the underclass awards ceremony in April.
• Scholarship will be applied to the 2025-26 tuition.
• For more information contact:
Stephanie Bishop, at [email protected] or call 941-371-4917 x155.
Haber Grandparent Scholarship
Eligibility – Current Juniors
The Haber Grandparent Scholarship will be given to current juniors (rising seniors) for their senior 2025-26 school year. Students must write a two-page essay about their relationship they have, or have had, with their grandparents.
Amount Awarded
Five $2,000.00 scholarships will be presented at class recognition ceremonies.
Application Schedule and Deadlines
• Submit by Friday, March 28, 2025.
• Please submit to [email protected]
• Scholarship will be awarded at the underclass awards ceremony in April.
• Scholarship will be applied to the 2025-26 tuition.
• For more information contact:
Stephanie Bishop, at [email protected] or call 941-371-4917 x155.
For questions about any of the scholarships listed, please contact Stephanie Bishop at [email protected] or 941-371-4917 x 115