Music Classes at
Cardinal Mooney
The benefits of music education can positively impact a student’s academic performance and help cultivate the talents of all our students at Cardinal Mooney. Music students have an abundance of opportunities to showcase their developing talents in guitar, keyboard, percussion ensemble, symphonic band, and orchestra in performances for the community and adjudicated festivals throughout the school year.
These courses are designed to provide students with basic guitar skills or to expand on existing skills. Instruction includes ensemble performance as well as guitar techniques for mastery.
Keyboard / Piano Skills
These courses are designed for students who wish to develop basic piano playing skills or expand on existing skills. Students work individually and in groups to master the techniques of playing and to learn pieces.
Band /Honors Band
These courses encourage the development of ensemble performance skills through participation in the Band Ensemble and individual practice activities.
Orchestra / Honors Orchestra
Open to all high school students who are interested in playing a stringed instrument. String ensemble members will study and perform a variety of genres of music included classical, jazz, pop, rock and swing.
Advanced Placement (AP) Music Theory
AP Music Theory is a college-level course designed for students who have a strong background in music. Students will be required to read, notate, write, play, sing, and listen to music.
Chorus is a year-long performing arts class that teaches the basics of singing and musicianship. Students learn and perform a varied repertoire throughout the year that includes songs in different styles and languages. In addition to the enjoyment of making music together, they learn how to sing with proper vocal technique and how to read music.